
Agenda Item 87   


Subject:                    Support for Political Groups


Date of meeting:    1 February 2024


Proposer:                 Councillor Allen

Seconder:                Councillor Guilmant


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Labour Group Amendment


That deletions are made as shown with strikethrough below and additional recommendations are added as shown in bold italics below:


This Council:


1.    Notes its current financial difficulties and sacrifices that are having to be made. strategic budgetary management the Administration have embarked on since May 2023.


2.    Notes that the cost of support for the three largest political groups from April 1st 2024 will be £194,900, spread evenly across the three Groups.


3.    Notes that the Local Government and Housing Act requires the largest political groups to be offered equal support if the membership of the group consists of at least 10% of the membership of the authority, in Brighton and Hove’s case 6 Councillors in a group.


4.    Notes that Councillorsare able to organise their own meetings, write their own speeches and develop their own opinions on city-wide issues using their manifestos as a base  may require training and support from Democratic Services on internal  protocol and procedures.


5.    Notes that if the groups wish to maintain the current levels of support then they could directly fund roles to be employed by political parties political groups can explore alternative approaches to maintain the level of organisational support currently undertaken.


6.    Notes that any changes which may have an impact on staffing are required to follow the Council’s policies, including the Council’s Organisation Change Management Framework.


Therefore, Council resolves to:


1.    Request officers to consider including within the budget proposals the £194,900 savings that could be achieved through the cessation of BHCC financial support to political groups from April 1 2024 with budget reallocated to frontline services.


  1. Express its thanks and gratitude to staff past and present who have aided in commission of civic duties within our city.


Recommendations to read if carried:

This Council:


1.    Notes its current financial difficulties and strategic budgetary management the Administration have embarked on since May 2023.


2.    Notes that the cost of support for the three largest political groups from April 1st 2024 will be £194,900, spread evenly across the three Groups.


3.    Notes that the Local Government and Housing Act requires the largest political groups to be offered equal support if the membership of the group consists of at least 10% of the membership of the authority, in Brighton and Hove’s case 6 Councillors in a group.


4.    Notes that Councillors may require training and support from Democratic Services on internal protocol and procedures.


5.    Notes that political groups can explore alternative approaches to maintain the level of organisational support currently undertaken.


6.    Notes that any changes which may have an impact on staffing are required to follow the Council’s policies, including the Council’s Organisation Change Management Framework.


Therefore, Council resolves to:


1.    Request officers to consider including within the budget proposals the £194,900 savings that could be achieved through the cessation of BHCC financial support to political groups from April 1 2024.


2.    Express its thanks and gratitude to staff past and present who have aided in commission of civic duties within our city.